Onze gymnastics lessen bieden een unieke combinatie van kracht, coördinatie, balans, flexibiliteit en mobiliteit. Tijdens deze lessen werk je aan specifieke onderdelen met je eigen lichaamsgewicht, zoals handstanden, ring dips, pull-ups en muscle ups. Ook besteden we veel aandacht aan core strength. Je zult zien hoe deze oefeningen zich vertalen naar verbeteringen in andere CrossFit oefeningen!
Onze coaches zijn gespecialiseerd in gymnastics en begeleiden je stap voor stap door de verschillende bewegingen heen. Het maakt niet uit of je een ervaren gymnast ben of pas net begint, onze gymnastics lessen bieden een uitdaging voor iedereen en geven een leuke variatie in je training.
De gymnastics lessen worden op maandags en vrijdags gegeven. Bij de lessen op maandag ligt de focus meer op het opbouwen van specifieke kracht, wat voor veel oefeningen een randvoorwaarde is. De lessen op vrijdag focussen zich meer op het aanleren van de verschillende skills.
Interested in starting with CrossFit? Join the first free class of the introduction course and learn more about our sport and gym. After this class you can decide if you want to continue.
A new group starts TOMORROW 7 PM and we have some spots left! Join by sending an e-mail to info@crossfittwente.nl
Hope to see you there! 🙌🏼
We are incredibly proud to be the partner of the very first and only weightlifting club in the Twente region: @weightliftingtwente 🏋🏼♀️
Together with @trainingsstudionl , we provide the training locations for this amazing group of passionate weightlifters — including some dedicated members of CFT. Our own coach and National Champion @noelle_klg is one of the initiators behind this fantastic project.
This Sunday, they’ll be taking on their first official team competition in Almere, and we couldn’t be more excited to cheer them on!
Good luck, team! Lift heavy, stay strong, and most importantly — have a blast! 🙌🏼
#gewichtheffenenschede #weightliftingenschede #olympicweightliftingenschede #gewichtheffentwente #crossfittwente #crossfitenschede #sportinenschede #uitinenschede #enschede
Thank you all for joining! We are incredibly proud of everyone who pushed a little harder than planned, those who took on the challenge for the first time, and the veterans who have been doing this for years. To everyone who battled their nerves, those who didn’t feel good enough to join but showed up anyway, and even those who couldn’t participate but still supported from the sidelines—this was for all of you.
“The greatest adaptation to CrossFit takes place between the ears.” — Greg Glassman
Photos by @iktrouwvanjou @llisastout
#crossfit #crossfitopen #enschede #crossfittwente #crossfitenschede #sportinenschede #fitnessenschede
One last push for the 2025 CrossFit Open! Let’s leave it all on the floor and finish strong tomorrow with 25.3 💪🏽🔥
📢 Attention all strength enthusiasts! 🏋️♀️🏋️♂️
We are hosting an in-house powerlifting competition on May 10! 💪 Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned lifter, this event is for you! In this full-day event you will test your 1-rep maxes on the squat, bench press, and deadlift, cheer for your fellow athletes, and celebrate with a pizza party at the end! 🍕
This event is really a testday for everyone, also if you are not joining the powerlifting classes.
The participation fee is only 10€. Registration is open for all members and old members.
Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to push yourself and have fun! Register now and show us what you’re made of! 💥
If you want to participate without competing, join our volunteers team. 🙌
For further questions, do not hesitate to contact Akad or Vincent! Information on the exact schedule of the day will follow closer to the event.
This week we will be finishing the backsquat strength cycle in the powerlifting classes. The 8 weeks leading up to the powerlifting meet will be used for preparation, focusing on technique, making sure weight and volume is tapered and everyone can peak at the CFT Iron Lift-Off 2025💪